O come, let us sing for joy to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the rock
of our salvation for the Lord is a great God. Psalm 95:1
Sunday | 10:00 am
Almansor Court | 700 S. Almansor St., Alhambra
Almansor Court | 700 S. Almansor St., Alhambra
Sunday Service
Before You Come
What Should I Expect?
- Prepare your heart to worship the Lord.
- Bring your Bible.
- Download the Seeds of Life App on your mobile device. This provides access announcements and sermon notes.
What Should I Expect?
- Please arrive at 9:45am, worship service begins at 10am.
- Parking will be shared with the Almansor Golf Course, so upon arrival look for the church directional signs.
- For parents' worship experience and to be fed the Word of God without distraction, Children's Ministry is available for children age 0 - 5th grade. Children should be checked-in prior to attending service.
- Worship through giving will be collected through an offering drop-box. Or you may give through the Seeds of Life App or on the Seeds of Life Website.
- For the protection of others, anyone feeling unwell is suggested to stay home, but are encouraged to join our livestream worship service from home

How will the church respond if an attendee tests positive for COVID-19 ?
We are no longer asking those who have tested positive for Covid-19 and attended service to let us know. For the protection of others, we do suggest that anyone feeling unwell stay home and join us through our livestream worship service.
Will Children's Ministry be available?
Children's Ministry is available for children age 0 - 5th grade, and should be checked-in prior to attending service.
What if I forget my face mask or I don't have one?
Masks are optional, but are available if you would like one.
What if I am unable to attend in-person services for health reasons?
We will be livestreaming at 10 AM on Youtube so you can continue to worship with the church family from home.
Do I need to register for in-person service?
No, we are not having registration for our in-person services.